Taiwan Minimum Wage Monthly Salary will be NT$25,020


Taipei, Taiwan – To increase the monthly salary from $NT24,000 to $NT25,020 starting Janunary 2022 next year. This was decided by the Ministry of Labor in Taiwan last Friday that the minimum wage will be 5% next year.

Taiwan Minimum Wage  Monthly Salary will be NT$25,020

Taiwan Monthly Salary to increase from $NT24,000 to NT$25,020

The committee also added that the hourly pay rate will increase from NT$160 to NT$168.

Both local Taiwanese and foreign workers will benefit, the monthly wage increase and the hourly wage hike.

This will mark the sixth minimum monthly wage increase since President Tsai Ing-wen assumed office from 3% in 2020 and only increase $NT200 in 2021, next year will be the highest wage increased with 5% increase.

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