Chances of Winning the UltraLotto 6/58 in the Philippines


UltraLotto 6/58 is one of the popular lottery game in the Philippines, it was launched on February 7, 2015. Its first draw was on February 8, 2015. Initially draw schedule of UltraLotto 6/58 between “February 8, 2015, to February 12, 2017” was Fridays, Sundays and starting February 14, 2017 draws are now held on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. The player need to choose six numbers from 1 to 58. Live draws of 6/58 Ultra Lotto are broadcasted over PTV4 and live streamed over at 9:00PM

Chances of Winning the Lottery in the Philippines, Chances of Winning the UltraLotto 6/58 in the Philippines

We use the formula x = n!/r!(n-r)!
x = the total number combinations
n = the size of the number field
r = the amount of number to choose

n = 58, r = 6

x = 58!/6!(58-6)!
x = 40,475,358

Minimum Jackpot Prize : 50,000,000.00 pesos
Numbers to be selected : 01 – 58
Combinations : 40,475,358
Money to bet : ₱809,507,160.00

The odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 40,475,358, which is more challenging than 6/55 GrandLotto. Biggest jackpot ever recorded in 6/58 UltraLotto was ₱1,180,622,508.00 last October 14, 2018 and split with 2 lucky winners from Western Samar and Albay with a ticket number 40-50-37-25-01-45

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